22 Jul 2015

Get 50 Rs cashback on 50 or above Mobile,DTH Recharge at Citrus cube app

Citrus cube is a bill payment and recharge app , Just tell the app once about any recurring bills,the app will remind you of due dates,keep a track of them,manage the transactions smoothly,Citrus cube along with Mobile,DTH and data card bills helps us manage the reminders ,to pay your drivers ,maid,school fee etcCitrus pay is RBI approved you can easily carry on the transactions by saving the cards,and also forward the Payment to your friend to pay on your behalf.

Citrus cube app is offering 50 Rs cashback on 50 Rs or above recharge,the offer is available till 31st july 2015 for all the new users who download and signup at the citrus cube app and recharge their mobile,dth for 50 Rs or more.
To avail this just download the Citrus cube app on your mobile,initiate your account,confirm your email address and recharge your mobile or dth for 50 Rs or more to get the cashback,no coupon needed,valid for debit and credit card transactions.

  • Offer valid only for new users and first recharge,bebit/credit card Payments only
  • Valid for ios and android app,
  • Offer valid till 31st July 2015,
  • The amount will get credited in your citrus wallet within 3 days,
  • Offer cannot be clubbed with any other offers.

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