Now get Rs.50 cashback on Recharge and Bill payment of Rs.100 or more at PayZapp. The offer is valid from 1st January to 29 January on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. Offer can be used maximum 2 times during the period.
How to get the offer:
* Install HDFC Payzapp from here
* Register your account.
* Now login to your account.
* First of all you need to add money in your Payzapp wallet.
* Goto Menu > “Add/Send Money” and then click on Add Money icon.
* select your card type and enter your card details.
* Then enter the amount you want to add to wallet.
* Make payment and money will added to your Payzapp wallet instantly.
* After adding cash start a Recharge or Bill payment of Rs.100 or more.
* Select “Payzapp card” as payment method and make payment.
* You will get your recharge instantly.
* Cashback of Rs.50 will be credited in your Payzapp wallet within 5 days.